My Medieval Library

My Personal Photo Albums

These are places I have personally visited. 

Guedelon Castle- A castle being build from the ground up with period 13th century techniques. I visited here in 2019. 
Medieval Auxerre
Sainte Chapelle
Notre Dame (de Paris)
St Denis
Sully sur Loire
Marseille Basilica
Various other Medieval Architecture
Extant Art objects - Louvre, Musée d'Orsay, Cluny, MET 

Pinterest boards

I have compiled these boards as a useful visual reference guide, and a database of links to source material. I generally vet and verify dates and authenticity as reliable sources, but I am human. 

Coral paternosters 


folly bells 

Reticulated headdresses details 



Embroidered Purses 



Simple Cottes  

Side lacing 

Surcottes with Bombard sleeves






Extant Houppelande 

Regional differences 

Spain 14th Century 

Germany 14th Century 

Documentaries and Vlogs

Kings and generals YouTube 

Morgan Donner Channel 

Gabrielle Westwood 

Making History 

Charles de Bourbon chats about Houppelandes

How to inset gores tutorial 


These are a variety of blogs, articles, museum links, etc... that I’ve built my knowledge upon.

Museum of London shoe finds 

Portable Antiques Database British Museum 

Rosalie’s Medieval Woman

Archeological sewing

The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s online medieval art collection

Pearls: Piety, Poetry and Pre-Raphaelites – Part One - V&A Museum

Fashion History Timeline 

A Cotte Simple Late medieval fashion redressed- various articles 

Cynthia Virtue’s website 

The Completely Dressed Arachnologist 

E-Arthistory Entries about Coral

History of Pearls- NOVA

Musée Condé : collections en ligne

Grey Dragon- Sheets, Trewes, & Hose by maistre Emrys Eustace

HANDCRAFTED HISTORY- how to make hose

Various Extant original items at the Prague castle museum 

Bibliothèque national de France (BnF) Manuscrits archives

Archaeological Sewing

British Library catalogue of illuminated manuscripts

Women Suppliers to Medieval Courts: Making Visible Ducal and Royal Power

The Louvre

The V&A Museum 

The Cluny

The Medieval Combat Society; Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century Female Civilian Costume; 

Effigies and Brasses

Manuscript Miniatures

Some clothing of the middle ages; Marc Calrson;  c 2006

The British Library medieval manuscript blog

Notre Dame Medieval research studies

Jameel Center for Islamic and Asian Art

RISD Museum Fabric Collection

Lexis project  lexis of cloth and clothing. 

Lexis of Royal English accounts looks promising, but not sure if active.

Google Books- You can find a lot of FREE books here!

Google Scholar

JSTOR- free accounts can read 100 articles per month

The last velvet merchant of Venice

Working with Velvet, a Most Beautiful but Challenging Textile 

DALME online inventories

List of price of medieval items

Did Shakespeare use a clothing Iron?

Pad stitching tutorial 

Lists of medieval textiles and fabrics

E-books and online articles

Inventaire du mobilier du chateau Chailloue de l’annee 1416

Les inventaires apres deces de la ville de Dijion a la fin du Moyen Age (1390-1459) tome I : 1390-1408

Inventaires de Jean duc de Berry (1401-1416) publiés et annotés par Jules Guiffrey

Glossaire archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance, Volume 1, By Victor Gay, Henri Stein

La librairie de Jean duc de Berry au chateau de Mehun-sur-Yevre (1416) 

Recherches sur la Librairie de Charles V

Le Pourpoint de Charles de Blois French musée document

Figured Riches: The Value of Gold Brocades in Fifteenth-Century Florentine Painting

Le commerce des fourrures en Occident à la fin du Moyen Age (Vers 1300 - vers 1450)

Precious Coral and the Legacy of the Coral Road 

Mediterranean red coral: A European merchandise of the first globalization

Gabriel d'Èze (pseud.); A. Marcel (1886). Histoire de la coiffure des femmes en France (in French). Ollendorff. 

The Air of History (Part II) Medicine in the Middle Ages

Hazard, Harry W. "Moslem North Africa, 1049–1394", In Harry W. Hazard, ed., A History of the Crusades, Volume III: The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975.

The Rise, Expansion, and Decline of the Italian Wool-Based Cloth Industries, 1100–1730: A Study in International Competition, Transaction Costs, and Comparative Advantage, John H. Munro, University of Toronto, c 2012

Translated Article on the Prague Houppelande From Charles de Bourbon

Enamels of Limoges, 1100–1350 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1996

Buss, Chiara Giannelli The gift of 880 wool and silk garments on the occasion of four Gonzaga marriages. The Magna Curia of 1340

Angela Ling Huang, Carsten Jahnke Textiles and the Medieval Economy: Production, Trade, and Consumption of Textiles, 8th–16th Centuries (Ancient Textiles)

Gitte Hansen Everyday Products in the Middle Ages: Crafts, Consumption and the Individual in Northern Europe c. AD 800-1600

  • Cloth merchants' inventories in Dijion in the fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries,  Françoise Piponnier 
  • The Woollen Industry in Catalonia in the later Middle Ages, Manuel Riu
  • Rise of the Florentine Woollen Industry in the Fourteenth century, Hidetoshi Hoshino
  • Cloth in Medieval Literature of Western Europe, Raymond van Uytven
  • The Charter of the Clothiers' Guild of Lier, 1275, Herman van der Wee and Erik van Mingroot
  • The Chemistry of Red Dyestuffs in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Judith H. Hofenk-De Graaff
  • The Medieval Scarlett and the Economics of Sartorial Splendor, John H. Munro 

Metal Threads: The Historical Development

Gold Embroidery and Fabrics in Medieval Europe Marta Jaro, Gold Bull #23, 1990

Medieval money (England)

Silk Economics and Cross-Cultural Artistic Interaction: Byzantium, the Muslim World, and the Christian West

PSST-These articles are available for free with an account at

A Workshop Larger than a City: The Florentine Textile Manufacture, in Textiles and Wealth in 14th Century Florence. Wool, Silk, Painting, Exhibition Catalogue (Florence, 5 December 2017-18 March 2018), ed. by C. Hollberg, Florence, Giunti, 2017, pp. 64-73

"Weaving identities in southern Italy", From the Household to the Factory: Modes and Contexts of Textile Production from Prehistory to the Pre-Industrial Period, Online EuroWeb Conference 24th – 26th of November 2021,  Alexandra Attia

Understanding the Middle Ages. The transformation of ideas and attitudes in the medieval world. By Harald Kleinschmidt. Pp. xix+401 incl. 50 ills. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2000. £45. 0 85115 770 X

Humanisme et église en Italie et en France méridionale (XVe siècle 47 (paper). 2 7283 0677 X; 0223 5099

The Middle Ages after the Middle Ages Popular Traditions and Medievalism

The Global Middle Ages

The Lengberg Finds. Remnants of a lost 15th century tailoring revolution

Medieval Clothing and Textiles 3 The Anti-Red Shift—To the Dark Side: Colour Changes in Flemish Luxury Woollens, 1300–1550, John H. Munro

Physical books-

Anne, Hagopian van Buren, and Roger S. Wieck. Illuminating fashion: Dress in the art of medieval France and the Netherlands, 1325-1515. New York: The Morgan Library & Museum, 2011.

Baldwin, John W. Aristocratic life in medieval France: The romances of Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil, 1190-1230. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

Burns, E. Jane. Sea of silk: A textile geography of women’s work in medieval French literature. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014.

Crowfoot, Elisabeth Grace, Frances Pritchard, and Kay Staniland. Textiles and clothing, c. 1150-1450. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2001.

Drogin, Marc. Medieval calligraphy its history and technique. Montclair u.a.: Allanheld Schram, 1980.

Duby, Georges. Medieval Art; Foundations of a New Humnanism 1280-1440. Bookking International, 1995

Eco, Umberto. Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages.  Yale University Press, 2002

Egan, Geoff, and Frances Pritchard. Dress accessories, c. 1150 - c. 1450. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 2002.

Ertl, Thomas, and Barbara Karl. Inventories of textiles - textiles in inventories: Studies on Late medieval and early modern material culture. V & R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2017.

Evans, Joan. Life in medieval France. London: Phaidon, 1969.

Farmer, Sharon A. The Silk Industries of Medieval Paris: Artisanal migration, technological innovation, and gendered experience. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017.

Fayard.  Paris 1400, Les Arts Sous Charles VI. Lovre, Reunion des Musées Nationaux 2004

Ferrand, Guilhem, and Jean-Pierre Garcia. Les inventaires après décès de la Ville de Dijon À la fin du moyen age: 1390-1459. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Midi, 2017.

Frazier, John. The Basic Craft of Turnshoes. The Complete Anachronist, issue 140, 2008

Koslin D. And Snyder J. Encountering Medieval Textiles and Dress - Objects, Texts, Images. Palgrave Macmillan 2002

Gies, Francis and Joseph. The Medieval Life Series--Life in a Medieval Castle

-Life in a Medieval Village
-Life in a Medieval Town
-Marriage and Family in the Middle Ages
-Women in the Medieval World
-Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages

Goubitz, O., W. Groenman-van Waateringe, and Xandra Bardet. Stepping Through Time: Archaeological Footwear from Prehistoric Times until 1800. Zwolle: SPA Uitgevers, 2011.

Grew, Francis and Neergaard, Margrethe. Shoes and Patens, Medieval Finds from Excavations in London: 2. Her Magesty's Stationary Office, London. 1988

Holstatter, Hans H. Art of the Late Middle Ages. Harry N. Abrams Inc, 1968

Holme, Bryan. Medieval Pageant. Thamas and Hudson, 1987

Leggett, William F. Ancient and medieval dyes. Landisville, PA: Coachwhip Publication, 2009.

Lynch, Sarah B., Elementary and Grammar Education in Late Medieval France, Lyon 1285-1530, Amsterdam University Press, 2017 (pdf, but no link? )

Martin, Maryline, and Florian Renucci. La construction d’un Château Fort: Guédelon. Paris, 2023.

Meiss, Millard, and Beatson, Elizabeth H. The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry. The Cloisters The Metropolitan Museum of Art,  1974

Meiss, Millard, and Longnon, Jean, and Camille's, Raymond. The Très Riches Heures of Jean Duke of Berry. Musée Condé, Chantilly, 1969

Meiss, Millard. French Painting in the Time of Jean De Berry, The Limbourgs and Their Contempories. The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1974

McKitterick, Rosamond. Atlas of the medieval world. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Monnas, Lisa. Merchants, princes and painters: Silk fabrics in Italian and northern paintings, 1300-1550. New Haven Conn.: Yale University Press, 2008.

Monnas, Lisa. Renaissance velvets. London: V & A Publishing, 2012.

Morrison, Elizabeth and Hedeman, Anne D. Imagining the Past in France; History in Manuscript Painting 1250-1500. The J. Paul Getty Museum,  Los Angeles, 2010

Newton, Stella Mary. Fashion in the age of the black prince a study of the years ; 1340 - 1365. Woodbridge: Boydell Pr, 1980.

Paris, 1400: Les Arts Sous Charles VI. Paris: Fayard, 2004.

Piponnier, Françoise, and Perrine Mane. Dress in the Middle Ages. London: Yale University Press, 2007.

Platt, Colin. The Atlas of Medieval Man. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1980.

Power, Eileen. The Goodman of Paris = (Le ménagier de paris): A treatise on moral and domestic economy. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2006.

Prina, Francesca. Comment regarder l’architecture. Paris: Éditions Hazan, 2018.

R.C. Famiglietti, Tales of the Marriage Bed from Medieval France 1300-1500, Picardy Press 1992

Riello Giorgio, and Rublack, Ulinka. The Right to Dress Sumptuary Laws in a Global Perspective, c. 1200– 1800. University of Cambridge, 2019

Sciacca, Christine. Illuminating women in the medieval world. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2017.

Scott, Margaret. A Visual History of Costume: The Fourteenth & Fifteenth centuries. London: B.T. Batsford, 1986.

Scott, Margaret. Fashion in the Middle Ages. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2011.

Scott, Margaret. Late Gothic Europe, 1400-1500. London, 1980.

Scott, Margaret. Medieval clothing and costumes: Wealth and class in Medieval Times. New York, NY: Rosen Pub. Group, 2004.

Scott, Margaret. Medieval Dress & Fashion. London: British Library, 2009.

Snyder., Désirée G. Koslin, Janet E. Encountering medieval textiles and dress. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2002.

The Cambridge Library of Ornamental Art. Medieval Ornament; from the 9th to 16th Century. Gallery Books, 1991

Thomas, Marcel. The Grandes Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry. Bibliothèque National Paris, 1971 

Veale, Elspeth M. The English fur trade in the later Middle Ages. London: London Record Society, 2003.

Voronova, Tamara, and Andrei Streilgov. Western European Illuminated Manuscripts. Bournemouth: Parkstone, 1997.

MEDIEVAL CLOTHING AND TEXTILES ·7· Edited by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker
1. The Empress’s New Clothes: A 'Rotulus Pannorum' of Isabella, Sister of King Henry III, Bride of Emperor Frederick II / Benjamin L. Wild 12. Unveiling Social Fashion Patterns: A Case Study of Frilled Veils in the Low Countries (1200–1500) / Isis Sturtewagen 33
3. What Is the Pearl-Maiden Wearing, and Why? / Kimberly Jack 65
4. “Hys surcote was ouert”: The “Open Surcoat” in Late Medieval British Texts / Mark Chambers 87
5. London Merchants’ Cloth Exports, 1350–1500 / Eleanor Quinton and John Oldland 111
6. Laboreria Sete: Design and Production of Lucchese Silks in the Late Fourteenth and Early Fifteenth Centuries / Christine Meek 141

MEDIEVAL CLOTHING AND TEXTILES ·10· Edited by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker
1. Behind the Curtains, Under the Covers, Inside the Tent: Textile Items and Narrative Strategies in Anglo-Saxon Old Testament Art / Christopher J. Monk 1
2. Some Medieval Colour Terms for Textiles / Lisa Monnas 25
3. Wefts and Worms: The Spread of Sericulture and Silk Weaving in the West before 1300 / Rebecca Woodward Wendelken 59
4. The Liturgical Vestments of Castel Sant’Elia: Their Historical Significance and Current Condition / Maureen C. Miller 79
5. Clothing Distrained for Debt in the Court of Merchants of Lucca in the Late Fourteenth Century / Christine Meek 97
6. Sacred or Profane? The Horned Headdresses of St. Frideswide’s Priory / Valija Evalds 129
7. “Translating” a Queen: Material Culture and the Creation of Margaret Tudor as Queen of Scots / Michelle L. Beer 151
8. “A formidable undertaking”: Mrs. A. G. I. Christie and 'English Medieval Embroidery' / Elizabeth Coatsworth 165

Musée Condé, Chantilly. The Très Riches Heures of Jean Duke of Berry. George Braziller, Inc., Publishers. New York 1969.

Wadmore, James Foster, Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Skinners of London, Being the Guild of Corpus Christi, Blades East and blades, London 1902

Contempory Fiction Books- Because stories offer a ton of insight too!
The Canterbury Tales- Chaucer 


Le Roman de la Rose- 

Le Mort D'Arthur

Le Decameron- Giovanni Boccaccio

The Book of  the City of Ladies- Christine de Pizan


Eric and Enide

Tristian and Isuelt

Le Lais de Marie de France


My Wishlist-

The Medieval Clothier. By John S. Lee. Woodbridge, U.K.: The Boydell Press, 2018

Medieval Art in Motion: The Inventory and Gift Giving of Queen Clémence de Hongrie; MARIAH PROCTOR-TIFFANY; 2019; Penn State University Press

Krueger, R., "'Nouvelles Choses'; Social Instability and the Problem of Fashion in The Livre Du Chevalier De La Tour Landry, The Menagier De Paris, and Christine De Pizan's Livre Des Trois Vertus", Medieval Conduct, (Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, 2001)

Drottning Margaretas gyllene kjortel i Uppsala Domkyrka (The Golden Gown of Queen Margareta in Uppsala Cathedral), Agnes Geijer, Anne Marie Franzen, Margareta Nockert, Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, Stockholm 1994

Somewhat related

Medieval Architecture- Moved to its own page here

Medieval Fairies-

Fairy: Origins, a Phenomenon, and Realms

**Elf Queens and Holy Friars: Fairy Beliefs and the Medieval Church

Christening of the Sidhe: Are Fairies Human, After All

“Sex, Politics, and Religion: the transformation of the figure of the Fairy Queen from Thomas Off Ersseldoune to ‘Thomas Rymer’”

Faries of the sewells- Blog, validate!! faries in Britanna

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