
Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Household pickle recipes.


This is a HouseHold staple recipe. 

Curiosity of Maragret Fitzwillams (Jennifer 'Pixel' Getty) 

Here's the brine recipe for the grapes:

1 1/2 c red wine vinegar

1 c water

1 c sugar

2 t yellow mustard seeds (I used brown, because it was easier to get that jar)

1 t peppercorns

1 cinnamon stick (Ceylon cinnamon)

1 bay leaf

whole allspice


dried ginger root

Then in each jar:

1 bay leaf

2 cloves

2 peppercorns

some cinnamon fragments

a whole allspice

Rinse grapes, pack jars. Simmer brine for about 10 minutes then pour into jars. Let cool, refrigerate.

And here's the mushroom brine:

1:1 ratio water and red wine vinegar

Per 1 c of brine:

a garlic clove or two

6 peppercorns

3/4 t sugar

a couple of bay leaves


2 T kosher salt

I packed additional thyme, bay leaf, and peppercorns in the jars as well. Pack jars with button mushrooms. I used the ones that come in jars, which can get expensive -- if you use fresh, you'll need to simmer them in salted water until they're properly cooked, then pack into jars.

Bring the brine to a boil, simmer briefly, pour into jars. Refrigerate when cool.

[The instructions to refrigerate are in the original recipe, but honestly if you can them properly you shouldn't need to refrigerate.]

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