La Belle Robe Médiévale
An Adventure in Late Medieval Costuming
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Thursday, 23 January 2025
Isabelle's family tree
In my infinite wisdom as a new SCA member I chose a name on a whim. I wanted something French and Celtic, and Fancy. So I ended up on Wikip...
Monday, 13 January 2025
An Extant Velvet and troubleshooting a modern velvet garment
This is an extant 15th century cut velvet piece that was acquired by Charles de Bourbon that he graciously allowed me to handle. I suspec...
Wednesday, 8 January 2025
Houppelande ACT I
Well after a year of hand stitching the out shell is wearable! The lining isn't tacked in yet, but the next phase will be Gold Work emb...
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Mémento Mori
Death has once again touched my house. So in a weird way of coping I've gone down the rabbit hole of how Medieval people handled death w...
A Gold Silk Cotte
So if I'm going to have a fancy velvet houppelande then I'll need a fancy cotte to go under it right? Looking at my favorite manusc...
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