
Sunday, 31 December 2023

The Woes of Bag Lining.

I usually don't bag line. And this gown demonstrates exactly why. 

This gown was my Griffin Needle Challenge projet, and was rushed through due to the nature of a 2 day sleepless garb sewing challenge, and then sat in a basket for a few months, because life. 

Theses photos are the sleeves which were bag lining and sewn closed without any hanging or pad stitches. The lining stretch vertically over 4", and also a significant horizontal stretch.  Also because it was only one line of stitches, and fraying occurred in the inside, some of the seams blew out, just sitting in a basket. I pretty much have to take apart the sleeves to fix it. 
Did I mention that its HOURS of hand sewn work to rip apart? Sigh. 

This set of photos are of the seam and hem finishing  on the areas that were flat lined and allowed to stretch freely before the hem was cut. There is only minor bits of the lining puckering and it's smooth at the hem. Adding in a few invisible pad stitches should keep it that way. I flat felled the seams to fully encase raw edges, and have a second row of stitches, meant zero fraying or blow outs of the  seams.

Also a photo of my "helper"
And a couple in progress photos!

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