
Medieval Architecture, Daily life and Household Objects etc...

Medieval Architecture and the Daily Life in the Medieval age is the intersection of my interests. 

I started out my adult life as a eco homesteader, wanting to build my own natural buildings, and wanting to legitimize green build with the mainstream. Naiveté aside, the irony being that the natural building movement is what got me into the medieval architecture rabbit hole.  Now 2 decades later, I've got a degree in Architecture, and nearly a double major Art History and Cultural Anthropology, all focused on 13th-15th century France and the Maghreb. I've traveled to France several times to visit surviving Architecture. 

For decades I've had an idea to build a living history medieval castle with surrounding village, but that's not something I have capital or resources for.  

This is a library of resources of all things about medieval life, form the villages and buildings they lived in to daily life economics. This is a living page as I build upon it. There's a lot of academic articles and books which are property of the professors that isn't listed here. 

In Construction Castle-

Guedelon Castle- A castle being build from the ground up with period 13th century techniques. I visited here in 2019. 

Link to my photo album

Highly recommend the series Secrets of the Castle, 2014 ‧ Documentary by Ruth Goodman, it should be able to be found on YouTube. 

My Photo Albums- 

Medieval Auxerre 

Sainte Chapelle

Notre Dame (de Paris)

St Denis 

Sully sur Loire

Marseille Basilica

Various other medieval architecture 

Extant Art objects 

Pinterest Boards-

Interior art, extant objects and reproductions

Medieval Village homes and Architecture







Table Settings/Dinner ware


Some Youtube Videos-

A Day at a Castle 1218 | Documentary

The Life of the Medieval ‘Middle Class’ in England

What Was Everyday Life Like In Medieval Britain?

What rooms are inside REAL medieval castles?


Anatomy of a Castle

Understanding the Middle Ages. The transformation of ideas and attitudes in the medieval world. By Harald Kleinschmidt. Pp. xix+401 incl. 50 ills. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2000. £45. 0 85115 770 X

Humanisme et église en Italie et en France méridionale (XVe siècle 47 (paper). 2 7283 0677 X; 0223 5099

Château de Suscinio the château where my persona would have lived in. It's been restored to the 15th century and host reenenactmemts to educate the public.


Baldwin, John W. Aristocratic life in medieval France: The Romances of Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil, 1190-1230. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

Blair and Bloom. The Art and Architecture of Islam 1250-1800. Yale University Press, 1995

Ettinghausen, Grabar and Jenkins-Madina. The Art and Architecture of Islam 650- 1250. Yale University Press, 2001

Evans, Joan. Life in medieval France. London: Phaidon, 1969.

Farmer, Sharon A. The Silk Industries of Medieval Paris: Artisanal migration, technological innovation, and gendered experience. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017.

Ferrand, Guilhem, and Jean-Pierre Garcia. Les inventaires après décès de la Ville de Dijon À la fin du moyen age: 1390-1459. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Midi, 2017.

Kleiner, Fred. Gardner's Art through the Ages, Volume I- The Western Presepective.  
Volume II- A Global History. 

McKitterick, Roasmond. Atlas of the Medieval World, Oxford University Press, 2004

Martin, Maryline, and Florian Renucci. La construction d’un Château Fort: Guédelon. Paris, 2023.

Platt, Colin. Atlas of the Medieval Man. St Martin's Press, New York, 1979

Power, Eileen. The Goodman of Paris = (Le ménagier de paris): A treatise on moral and domestic economy. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2006.

Prina, Francesca. Comment regarder l’architecture. Paris: Éditions Hazan, 2018.

Varous Natural Building books 

The Medieval Life series by Francis and Joseph Gies-
-Life in a Medieval Castle 
-Life in a Medieval Village 
-Life in a Medieval Town
-Marriage and Family in the Middle Ages 
-Women in the Medieval World 
-Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages

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