
Cooking Articles and Resources

My Cooking Adventures 

WW Pie Shenanigans (2023) 

A Medieval Grocery

WW XXIX feast (2024)

My sources!

How to Cook a Medieval Feast, 11 recipes from the middle ages Medieval Cookery 


(Trn), Redon, Odile/ Sabban, Francoise/ Serventi, Silvano/ Smith, Patricia Glee (Ilt)/ Schneider, Edward. The medieval kitchen. Univ of Chicago Pr (T), 2000. 

Black, Maggie. The medieval cookbook. Los Angeles, Calif: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2012. 

Klemettilä, Hannele. The medieval kitchen: A social history with recipes. London: Reaktion Books, 2013. 

Power, Eileen. The Goodman of Paris = (Le ménagier de paris): A treatise on moral and domestic economy. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2006. 

Scully, D. Eleanor, Terence Scully, and J. David Scully. Early french cookery: Sources, history, original recipes and modern adaptions. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2002. 

Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham. Savoring the past: The French kitchen and table from 1300 to 1789. New York etc.: Touchstone Book, 2015. 

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